Survey of the Jan Pariyojana Scheme in India and its impact on citizens during the previous decade

  • Evesh Kaul
  • Priyanka Gupta


It is a well-known fact that Branded medicines are sold at significantly higher prices in India. Making affordable, high-quality pharmaceuticals available on the market will help everyone, but mainly the underprivileged and destitute given the country's pervasive poverty. The Indian government has always been quite concerned about this. The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers' Department of Pharmaceutical has periodically implemented a number of regulatory and financial initiatives to achieve this goal.

The "Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana" is a wonderful project started by the Indian government back in 2008 for the worthy purpose of providing high quality medications at accessible prices to all.

The Pariyojana involved selling inexpensive generic medications through upscale retailers called "Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Oshadhi Kendra" in different regions of the nation. On November 25, 2008, the first "Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Oshadhi Kendra" in Punjab's Amritsar city was inaugurated.

At first, it was planned that the "Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Oshadhi Pariyojana" would be implemented during the 11th Five-Year Plan period, beginning in 2008-2009, with the goal of establishing at least each Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Oshadhi Kendra in each of the firm's 630 regions, and then expanding to sub divisional levels as well as major town and village centers by 2012.

After garnering early support, the concept was planned to be self-sustaining and not rely on government subsidies or assistance. It was to be run on the basis of "No Profit, No Loss."

Keywords: Branded drugs, Cost-analysis, Generic drugs, Jan Aushadhi


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How to Cite
Kaul E, Gupta P. Survey of the Jan Pariyojana Scheme in India and its impact on citizens during the previous decade. Int J Drug Reg Affairs [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2025Feb.7];10(4):8-12. Available from: