Establishment of blending control for Hand operated Double Cone Blender

  • Bayya Subba Rao
  • Anuroop Raveendran
  • Ratnakar Baki
  • Adithya Jinuka


In the current study, a fundamental approach is used to establish operation procedure, for a hand operated double cone blender.  Initially, assuming for a potent drug, where in, the strength of the drug is very less in the final dosage form, a one percent concentration of potassium permanganate with respect to final one kilogram of blended powder using starch as diluent was planned.  With a kind of geometric progression method, at a rate of 10 rotations per minute, the final outcome of the uniform distribution of the potassium permanganate was found to be for at least for fourteen hours of rotations, leading to concentration range of potassium permanganate 0.08 ± 0.025 mg per mg of final blended powder.

Keywords: Hand operated double cone blender, geometric method, blending controls


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How to Cite
Subba Rao B, Raveendran A, Baki R, Jinuka A. Establishment of blending control for Hand operated Double Cone Blender. Int J Drug Reg Affairs [Internet]. 2018Jun.15 [cited 2025Feb.14];6(2):30-4. Available from: