Regulation of Medicines in Bhutan: Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities

  • Pelden Chejor Drug Regulatory Authority
  • Jigme Tenzin
  • Jigme Dorji


Medicines Regulatory Agencies (MRAs) are responsible for evaluation of quality, safety and efficacy of medicinal products before it is approved for consumption. The regulatory procedures, however, differs from one country to another. Medical products including vaccines, blood and blood products, diagnostics and medical devices are essential for healthcare delivery across the world. The Drug Regulatory Authority (DRA) is an independent national agency for regulation of medicinal products in Bhutan and reports to Bhutan Medicines Board (BMB), the highest policy making body for regulation of medicinal products in the country.

Medicines Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan is the legal tool for regulation of medicines in Bhutan. Medicinal products are regulated through premarketing and post-marketing control systems. All medicinal products available in the Bhutanese market are registered. DRA regulates all the medicinal products including vaccines, blood products and traditional medicines used for human and veterinary.

DRA is fully financed by the Government of Bhutan. Bhutan’s medicines regulatory system has evolved over the last one decade. However, as the regulatory mandate continues to increase, DRA is faced with several challenges in terms of human resource, infrastructure and testing laboratory among others. There are also opportunities for the DRA to improve its regulatory capacities to ensure availability of quality and safe medicines for the public.

Understanding the current practice of medicines regulation in Bhutan can help identify gaps and existing opportunities for improving the regulatory capacity. This article documents the existing practices, challenges and opportunities for regulation of medicinal products in Bhutan.

Keywords: Medicines, Regulation, DRA, registration, regulatory function, Bhutan


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How to Cite
Chejor P, Tenzin J, Dorji J. Regulation of Medicines in Bhutan: Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities. Int J Drug Reg Affairs [Internet]. 2018Jun.15 [cited 2025Feb.14];6(2):54-8. Available from: