• Shalini Bhardwaj
  • Vandana A.
  • Vijay B.
  • Manish K. Gupta


High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a major technique for qualitative and quantitative drug analysis. More than 90% of drugs prescribed in official pharmacopoeias are being analyzed HPLC. HPLC analyzes the drug content in a sample with high degree of accuracy and precision. Due to the stringent regulatory requirements the number of samples for drug content analysis has been increased significantly. Therefore, pharmaceutical industries need a fast, accurate and affordable method for drug content analysis. Here, Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (U-PLC) offers an advancement of HPLC which is based on the principal of use of stationary phase consisting of particles less than 2μm. By using smaller particles; speed and peak capacity can be extended to new limits and the sample can be analyzes in a shorter period of time. It provides good resolution even for congeneric compounds. The present review discusses the various aspects of UPLC in pharmaceutical analysis.

Keywords: Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC), HPLC, ACQUITY UPLC.


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How to Cite
Bhardwaj S, A. V, B. V, Gupta MK. ULTRA PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY: A REVOLUTIONIZED LC TECHNIQUE. Int J Drug Reg Affairs [Internet]. 2018Feb.13 [cited 2025Feb.14];2(3):83-7. Available from: https://www.ijdra.com/index.php/journal/article/view/146